Meowsic keyboard

Posted by Meowsic Keyboard on Friday, November 11, 2011

Why did we say Meowsic Keyboard feasible to buy, below we show you a customer review from, her name is JJC (Boston):

This came in the mail today for my 2.5 year old's Christmas present, and I can't stop playing with it (while he is napping). We ordered it through Amazon for $24.99, and it was fulfilled through Target. The age right on the front states 2 - 6 years old, so the reviews talking about this 'not being a stepping stone to a real piano' and 'not being able to play chords, or 2 notes at once' is ridiculous. This is not meant to be a 'starter' keyboard for someone who wants to play piano. It is a giant cat face, for goodness sakes! It is super cute, very durable, and it is hilarious to play with. It has like 20 songs that kids can sing along to, you can change the type of music (blues, samba, rock, etc) and use the tempo keys to slow or make faster. The microphone pulls out, and then there is a button to make it retract. It has simple buttons that my 2 year old will figure out very easily - they are large and clear (play, record, volume with arrows, the button for the music to play, etc), all very big buttons with clear symbols. So if you are looking for something that you can play chords, or adult piano songs, or introduce your child to the piano, then find something that is not shaped like a giant cat with keys for teeth. If you want something fun that your young child can play and experiment with music and sound, and also has the added 'meow' feature that turns all your songs into cute 'meowing' songs, then this is definitely what you are looking for.
Update 8/29/2011...nearly a year later, and my kids both still play with this almost every day. I admit, the songs with the girl singing are obnoxious to me (the kids don't mind), so I try to direct them to using the songs-with-music-only button. They love to sing and talk into the microphone a lot too.

Ryan says:

This is one of my all time favorite product reviews! 
Crystal K. Bouhl says:

Thanks Carrie - love, love, love your review! Very funny and right on target! I just ordered it for my soon to be 3-year old who I'm not planning to train to be a concert pianist.